
Histrorical Summary from Steve Hand.

Personal Bests in Green.  Thanks Steve.

Baslow Boot Bash 2015 . Reports on 14 & 26 Mile Routes.

What a wet day!

Had the pleasure of meeting Stephen Retout who was again doing the 26 mile route. Pictured below in the Hall before the start enjoying a cup of tea. I didn't meet him after the walk as he was a little slower than last year coming in 139th in 11 hours 19 minutes

After that I met Steve Hand, former Chair of the Elete Failures Club, but now since completing in 2008 in 9 hours 30 minutes and achieving a P.B. in 2014 had a good time in the very wet conditions of  7 hours 46 minutes. Our garb well illustrates the weather conditions we expected  and got. The picture at the start of everyone grabbing shelter under the trees shows it well, as does the shot of Steve and Jon Heathfield ( Time 7 hours 46 minutes. )               

 At the finish it was Pie and peas and fruit salad to follow. Great !!!!! This also gave an opportunity to meet and chat with other walkers. Opposite you can see the queue for food and below  myself posing with my certificate.  I was pleased to beat last year's time by a couple of minutes in 4 hours 36 minutes in 87th place from 139 walkers.

Coffee was taken with several including Paul ( 6th in the 26 mile race in 4 hours 46 minutes ) and his good lady ... not a walker ...Tracy

Steve  & Jon celebrate a good time in the very wet conditions of 7 hours 46 minutes. Steve reflects," Here us a photo of us having a well earned pint in the Devonshire Arms. We stayed together all the time this year because of the weather. Jogged a little bit, but walked over 90%."

Thank you Baslow Choir for another excellent event. I look forward to next year with better weather, please.