
Baslow Boot Bash 2014 Reports 26 & 14 Mile Routes.

A full field with plenty of dogs walking. There's one just behind Jon who is posing with Steve & Paul just before the start.

Steve & Jon pose with their certificates and badges at the Hall entrance having completed the 26 mile Route. As always the smiles tell it all. Steve the one time Chair of the Elite Failures (some time ago) achieved 7hrs 24minutes (a PB by 28 minutes) and Jon 7hrs17 minutes.

 Paul below improved on his 2013 14 Mile performance by 45 minutes to finish in 4 hrs 38 Minutes.

After Pie & Peas and a fruit salad Paul poses with Sylvia of Stockport who he met en route and who finished 4 hrs 40 minutes.
Another guy met at the starting tea cup doing the 26 miler was Steve from DERBY.
He writes to me " Hi Paul
Just to say it was good to meet you briefly on Saturday. I managed to finish the event in 9 Hours 41 Minutes which I initially thought had beaten my personal best. On checking the internet this was actually one minute slower than I did last year! This was despite not having a proper lunch break so it was probably the heat and a short cut I was led astray on last year which explains the fact no record was broken."

A Good day enjoyed by all and so well organised by the Baslow Choir. Here's to 2015 ......although judging by my (Paul) legs a gentler stroll next year!!!!!!