
Baslow 2013 The 26 & 14 Mile Report

Another fine day to give a sunny start. Steve & Julie and Jon muster at the start for the 26 Mile Event .They  welcome Paul (Elite Failures Chairman), who although entered for the 14 Mile Event, has a Sketch Book in his rucksac with the intention of absorbing some sun at Edensor Church and ambling back to the start and retaining his Elete Failures Role! Off sharp at 0900hrs it's "See you later, have a good walk." albeit Jon & Julie were planning to do a deal of running.

Having planned to Sketch Paul ambled along at the back of the field and finding his knee was Ok decided to carry on to Check Point 1 and finish there. In the lonliness of the tail end he met Carol and having led her slightly off course on Calton Pastures was  joined by 3 other Ladies, who mistakenly followed. (Jean, Sheila & Chris), They then  journeyed together to Check Point 1 (10.37 hrs) where Paul decided to carry on to Check Point 2 with the Ladies .
They are pictured below (taken by a passing Peruvian cyclist.) on the Monsal Trail.

Here Paul pressed on to Check Point 2  and finding there would be an hour wait for transfer back to Baslow deceide to kill the whole route. He was ultimately caught by Carol at Check Point 3 and they finished the route together to enjoy the Pie & Peas. Their time was 5 hrs 23 Minutes as Paul relinquished his  Elite Failures Role.
Meanwhile out on the 26 mile route  Steve, Julie & John progressed very well. See the certificate below.