
Baslow Boot Bash 2012 Elite Failures Chair consolidates his Role.

Gordon Hodson  with Robert at the start both smiling in rather damp conditions. Gordon after the event writes:-
10hrs 6min instead of 9hrs 10min! I think that is the longest time I have ever spent on my feet.   Robert and I stuck together all the way round but both found Calver Hill a real challenge in the mud and the rain. There were several clear signs of folk sliding a long way down after losing their footing. A touch of 2 forward and 1 back in places.!
Paul also smiles with Gordon but determined to equal the former  Chair of the Elite Failures intends a check out at Sheldon and achieves it 3hrs 40 minutes  a little longer than in 2011 .. due to the conditions.

However a real sucess for Julie Hand  & Jon  Heathfield and Steve Hand  the former Chair of the Elite Failures (now fully qualified Rambler albeit stickless!) Steve writes:-
I did 8:34, about 10 mins slower than the last 2 years, but we've never done it in the rainy season before. 
Jon and Julie did 7:49, but they ran quite a lot of it.