
2011 Event Welcomes Cindy and New Elite Failures Chair.

Cindy Underwood  makes a great first event with a time of 10 hours 0 minutes. Seen at the start with Paul Houghton & Gordon Hodson

Gordon Hodson again makes a great time... but forgets his Certificate. He writes:- " I’m clearly getting slower for it took me 9hrs 9min as opposed to 2009 at 9hrs 7min!"

Steve Hand one time Chair of the Elite Failures hjas now finished for the 3rd sucessive year and writes:- "I finished in 8:23, so beat last years record by 3 minutes. No real blisters, BUT very sore feet because of the wet socks."

 Paul Houghton  was deteremined to take over the Chair of the ELITE FAILURES  by checking out at Cressbrook. It was however a double failure as he dropped out   at Sheldon after 3 1/2 hours. to equal the  record held by Steve Wilshaw in 2007 He writes:- "Done it 5 times.. nothing to prove. It was a good walk in good company"