
Boot Bash 2016

Threatened to be a very wet walk, but in the event it was rain on the way to Baslow and on leaving.
At the start we all posed with Steve and Jon....

Krys, Rob, Joe, & Kate all started with me. Krys finished in 4hrs 40  and the rest of us in 4hrs 46 .
Jon and Steve results are in the attached picture showing all results back to 2005.

Interestingly  in Bank Wood towards the 3rd 14 Mile Check point   Rob and I met Paul Rushworth gently strolling  (not competing this year) and his Lady Tracy. Last year's photo below. Paul was 6th in the 26 mile event. We remembered each other .. I had  a slip of paper with his name on  to aid me if we met again!!!!
An interesting drive home after Pie and Trifle, when I misdirected Rob and we finished up returning via Ashbourne. Overall enjoyed by all with suggestions of giving it a go again next year.

Histrorical Summary from Steve Hand.

Personal Bests in Green.  Thanks Steve.

Baslow Boot Bash 2015 . Reports on 14 & 26 Mile Routes.

What a wet day!

Had the pleasure of meeting Stephen Retout who was again doing the 26 mile route. Pictured below in the Hall before the start enjoying a cup of tea. I didn't meet him after the walk as he was a little slower than last year coming in 139th in 11 hours 19 minutes

After that I met Steve Hand, former Chair of the Elete Failures Club, but now since completing in 2008 in 9 hours 30 minutes and achieving a P.B. in 2014 had a good time in the very wet conditions of  7 hours 46 minutes. Our garb well illustrates the weather conditions we expected  and got. The picture at the start of everyone grabbing shelter under the trees shows it well, as does the shot of Steve and Jon Heathfield ( Time 7 hours 46 minutes. )               

 At the finish it was Pie and peas and fruit salad to follow. Great !!!!! This also gave an opportunity to meet and chat with other walkers. Opposite you can see the queue for food and below  myself posing with my certificate.  I was pleased to beat last year's time by a couple of minutes in 4 hours 36 minutes in 87th place from 139 walkers.

Coffee was taken with several including Paul ( 6th in the 26 mile race in 4 hours 46 minutes ) and his good lady ... not a walker ...Tracy

Steve  & Jon celebrate a good time in the very wet conditions of 7 hours 46 minutes. Steve reflects," Here us a photo of us having a well earned pint in the Devonshire Arms. We stayed together all the time this year because of the weather. Jogged a little bit, but walked over 90%."

Thank you Baslow Choir for another excellent event. I look forward to next year with better weather, please.

Baslow Boot Bash 2014 Reports 26 & 14 Mile Routes.

A full field with plenty of dogs walking. There's one just behind Jon who is posing with Steve & Paul just before the start.

Steve & Jon pose with their certificates and badges at the Hall entrance having completed the 26 mile Route. As always the smiles tell it all. Steve the one time Chair of the Elite Failures (some time ago) achieved 7hrs 24minutes (a PB by 28 minutes) and Jon 7hrs17 minutes.

 Paul below improved on his 2013 14 Mile performance by 45 minutes to finish in 4 hrs 38 Minutes.

After Pie & Peas and a fruit salad Paul poses with Sylvia of Stockport who he met en route and who finished 4 hrs 40 minutes.
Another guy met at the starting tea cup doing the 26 miler was Steve from DERBY.
He writes to me " Hi Paul
Just to say it was good to meet you briefly on Saturday. I managed to finish the event in 9 Hours 41 Minutes which I initially thought had beaten my personal best. On checking the internet this was actually one minute slower than I did last year! This was despite not having a proper lunch break so it was probably the heat and a short cut I was led astray on last year which explains the fact no record was broken."

A Good day enjoyed by all and so well organised by the Baslow Choir. Here's to 2015 ......although judging by my (Paul) legs a gentler stroll next year!!!!!!

Baslow 2013 The 26 & 14 Mile Report

Another fine day to give a sunny start. Steve & Julie and Jon muster at the start for the 26 Mile Event .They  welcome Paul (Elite Failures Chairman), who although entered for the 14 Mile Event, has a Sketch Book in his rucksac with the intention of absorbing some sun at Edensor Church and ambling back to the start and retaining his Elete Failures Role! Off sharp at 0900hrs it's "See you later, have a good walk." albeit Jon & Julie were planning to do a deal of running.

Having planned to Sketch Paul ambled along at the back of the field and finding his knee was Ok decided to carry on to Check Point 1 and finish there. In the lonliness of the tail end he met Carol and having led her slightly off course on Calton Pastures was  joined by 3 other Ladies, who mistakenly followed. (Jean, Sheila & Chris), They then  journeyed together to Check Point 1 (10.37 hrs) where Paul decided to carry on to Check Point 2 with the Ladies .
They are pictured below (taken by a passing Peruvian cyclist.) on the Monsal Trail.

Here Paul pressed on to Check Point 2  and finding there would be an hour wait for transfer back to Baslow deceide to kill the whole route. He was ultimately caught by Carol at Check Point 3 and they finished the route together to enjoy the Pie & Peas. Their time was 5 hrs 23 Minutes as Paul relinquished his  Elite Failures Role.
Meanwhile out on the 26 mile route  Steve, Julie & John progressed very well. See the certificate below.

Baslow Boot Bash 2012 Elite Failures Chair consolidates his Role.

Gordon Hodson  with Robert at the start both smiling in rather damp conditions. Gordon after the event writes:-
10hrs 6min instead of 9hrs 10min! I think that is the longest time I have ever spent on my feet.   Robert and I stuck together all the way round but both found Calver Hill a real challenge in the mud and the rain. There were several clear signs of folk sliding a long way down after losing their footing. A touch of 2 forward and 1 back in places.!
Paul also smiles with Gordon but determined to equal the former  Chair of the Elite Failures intends a check out at Sheldon and achieves it 3hrs 40 minutes  a little longer than in 2011 .. due to the conditions.

However a real sucess for Julie Hand  & Jon  Heathfield and Steve Hand  the former Chair of the Elite Failures (now fully qualified Rambler albeit stickless!) Steve writes:-
I did 8:34, about 10 mins slower than the last 2 years, but we've never done it in the rainy season before. 
Jon and Julie did 7:49, but they ran quite a lot of it.

2011 Event Welcomes Cindy and New Elite Failures Chair.

Cindy Underwood  makes a great first event with a time of 10 hours 0 minutes. Seen at the start with Paul Houghton & Gordon Hodson

Gordon Hodson again makes a great time... but forgets his Certificate. He writes:- " I’m clearly getting slower for it took me 9hrs 9min as opposed to 2009 at 9hrs 7min!"

Steve Hand one time Chair of the Elite Failures hjas now finished for the 3rd sucessive year and writes:- "I finished in 8:23, so beat last years record by 3 minutes. No real blisters, BUT very sore feet because of the wet socks."

 Paul Houghton  was deteremined to take over the Chair of the ELITE FAILURES  by checking out at Cressbrook. It was however a double failure as he dropped out   at Sheldon after 3 1/2 hours. to equal the  record held by Steve Wilshaw in 2007 He writes:- "Done it 5 times.. nothing to prove. It was a good walk in good company"